Wednesday 28 November 2012


 Quadrilateral means “four sides”. Therefore, any four sided shape is a quadrilateral, but the sides have to be straight, and it has to be 2 dimensional.
  • Square: Four equal sides. Four equal angles, always 90°.
  • Rectangle: Opposite sides are parallel and of equal length. Four equal angles, always 90°.
  • Rhombus: Four equal sides. Opposite angles are parallel.
  • Trapezium/trapezoid: Has one pairof parallel sides.

How to draw quadrilaterals

If you missed the art class, here will you find how to solve the exercises from your workbook.

  • How to draw a square knowing its side

Tuesday 27 November 2012


A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. The three angles always add 180º.

There are three special names given to triangles that tell how many sides (or angles) are equal
  • Equilateral Triangle: Three equal sides and three equal angles, always 60º.
  • Isosceles Triangle: Two equal sides and two equal angles.
  • Scalene Triangle: No equal sides and no equal angles.

How to draw triangles.

If you missed the art class, here will you find how to solve the exercises from your workbook.

  • How to draw an equilateral triangle knowing one side...

Saturday 10 November 2012

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Missing shapes. Optical Illusion.

Missing shapes, phantom shapes or Illusory contours.
These are diferent names for the same optical illusion.  

How many triangles do you see in this picture?

     Phantom shapes are a form of optical illusion where countours are percieved without colour change across the contour. That means that we see a shape that really does not exist.

     These are two simple missing shape optical illusions shown in black and white. The existence of a white triangle can easily be imagined in the top image while your brain can also easily create the existence of a white sphere in the lower image.

Try to find the Star!!!

Monday 22 October 2012

Drawing a blown tree

I've found this great exercise in Art Attack.


Watch the second artwork from this video.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Saturday 6 October 2012

Primary colours

Example of a picture divided in it's primary colours (cyan, magenta and yellow) and black.

Do you see how it works? When the 4 colours are put one on top of the other you get the image of the flowers.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Working with ... comics. Drawing characters.

    Students have to draw two characters based on their description given to them. Even though, each work will come out different!!!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Working with ... comics. Faces and expressions.

     Shoo Rayner shows us how to draw 13 Faces of Fear!!! Check this video before trying to draw the exercises from your workbook.


Working with ... comics. Space frame.

    A panel, frame or box is one drawing on a page, and contains a segment of action. A page may have one or many panels, and panels are frequently, but not always, surrounded by a border or outline

    The student is given a number of images that has to copy and organize in his/her final composition. It has to add two extra elements and draw the motion lines.

Other examples:

                                                     Silvia Manzano

Sunday 2 September 2012


  1. When were the comics created?
  2. What is a comic?
  3. What does this mean? The teacher will draw some symbolia and balloons on the blackboard.
  4. Can you name me a famous comic character played on TV?
Comic is a medium that uses both visual (non-verbal) and verbal language to tell us a story.

  • The history of comics has followed different paths in different parts of the world. It can be traced back to early precursors such as Egyptian hieroglyphs o paintings or the Trajan's Column (dedicated in 110 AD) in Rome.
  • Through the 17th and 18th centuries, prints began to tackle aspects of political and social life, and also started to satirize and caricature.
  • In 1845, the satirical drawings, which regularly appeared in newspapers and magazines, gained a name: cartoons. The newspaper comics served as further entertainment for mass readership. 
  • In the 20th century, comics became an autonomous art media oround the world. 
Tomb of Narkaht, 15th century b. C.

Trajan's Column 
A page by Rodolphe Töpffer19th century

Publication formats                                                                       
      Comic Book is like a magazine that tells a long story (Batman, Superman, Mortadelo y Filemón, etc.) or a series of different stories and authors (TBO).

      Comic Strip generally refers to daily and Sunday newspaper publications. Many comic strips have been collected into comic books.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Working with ... Axial symmetry

On this first example students have to draw 6 symmetric shapes and then colour them using opposite colours.

Axial symmetry
On the web there are plenty examples and works to finish using symmetry as a theme.


Working sheet

Creative drawings

     Each students gets a paper with a piece of an image (drawing, picture, etc.) and has to finish the composition.


Working with ... textures


Monday 23 July 2012

Working with ... light and shade I.

We have already learned that we need light and shades to create volume.
Let's practice it!!

Landscape by Pep Lluis.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Working with ... colour

Colour Theory:
All the works are done with colour pencils.

Substractive and Additive Systems  

Colour Wheel by Ting

Cool colours by Maria Rosa.

Warm colours    

Warm and cool colours  by Ting

Warm and cool colours by Iago

Working with ...grids

The use of grids allow students to copy an image. It can make it bigger or smaller.


Vanesa R.

Here you can have the Mouse grid.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Working with ... lines

Work done with technical pens (0'2, 0'4, 0'8)

Fill in the picture with lines.