Friday, 29 May 2015

Abstract Art after Regular Geometric Shapes

This exercise is really easy to do and the results are amazing!!!!!
What do you have to do?
  1. Draw a regular geometric shape on a coloured cardboard, DIN A4.
  2. Draw the lines where you will be cutting the smaller shapes out.
  3. Cut out the pieces, if there are too many, write a number on them.
  4. Glue the pieces on another colored cardboard, but remember to leave a space in between them. Make sure all the pieces are on place!!!

A. Sosa.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Are we surrounded by geometric shapes?

   The idea of this work is to make students think on objects, symbols, etc. based on the three basic shapes: triangles, squares and  circles.
  • You are given a grid with the three basic forms: a circle, a trinagle and a square.
  • You will have to draw 4 different objects that contain these shapes.
  • At the end, colour nicely your work.
Students examples

Damià V.

If there are students that like to be challenged, try this second grid.