Thursday, 26 November 2015

Christmas Postcards

Let's practise all we have learnt about symmetry to make some nice postcards for Christmas.

Sandra N.

Aranzazu O.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Working with... Squares

 Creating an abstract drawing with squares:
  1. The teacher will write on the whiteboard 10 numbers in cm., for exemple: 9,3,7,2,1,4,5,2,6. These numbers are the square's side size. 
  2. How to draw a square knowing its side.
  3. Each student will draw the square wherever he/she wants. 
  4. Once all the squares are drawn, the student has to decide wich one is going to be on top or beneath the other. The lines that will not be needed will be erased.
  5. Colour the composition.


Several Circles, 1926; Kandinsky.
    Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (4 December (16 December by the Gregorian calendar) 1866 – 13 December 1944) was a Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting one of the first recognised purely abstract works.

We will create an artwork after Kandinsky's painting.

Ainoha A.

Nuria H.

Carlos T.

Thursday, 19 November 2015


    A grid is a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines forming squares on a map, an optical device, etc., used as a reference for locating points.

 Exercise 1: You will copy the turtle on the given grid. Make sure that the lines fit in the corresponding square (A1, D3, etc.) You will get an exact copy of the original drawing! 

Exercise 2: In this exercise the grid will change the butterfly's shape, making it thinner and wider.


Monoprinting is a form of printmaking. The characteristic of this method is that no two prints are alike, unlike most printmaking, where there are multiple originals.

         1. Each student will draw a picture on an acetate with tempera.
         2. Press the acetate onto the paper. The paint will be transfered to the white paper. I recommend you not to wait till the colors are dry.

Rosa Maria R.


Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Cut out symmetric shapes.

See how easy is to have a nice symmetric shape with the following method!!!
  1. Cut a piece of paper. It's better if it's a rectangle.
  2. Draw half of the shape on the paper
  3. Cut out the piece drawn
  4. Glue both pieces on a another paper.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Copy the drawing with all the details. Remember that all objects come from simple shapes as: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, etc.

Damià Viñau
Aina M.

Working with... light and shade II

How different can it be to finish a drawing with a pencil or coloured pencils? The same exercise, but not the same result!!
        1. With a pencil:
Adià Viñau
     2. With coloured pencils:
Maria Rosa

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Working with... Lines II

Creative composition with lines.

  1. Draw parallell lines on a white paper.
  2. Cut out simple shapes.
  3. Glue the drawn paper onto another and then the shapes, but changing its direction.

You will get an abstract artwork 

Sofia Benavides

Monday, 5 October 2015

Dots. Black and white.

Damià Viñau
This exercise has to be done with black ink (0'2, 0'4, 0'8)

Friday, 2 October 2015

Working with... Complementary Colours

     Draw any picture you like and, afterwards, divide the paper in three equal parts. Each part will be coloured with one of the Complementary colours couple:
  • Magenta + green
  • Cian + red
  • Yellow +Purple


Joan Miquel Gonzàlez

Damià Viñau


Sunday, 27 September 2015


    It is a technique in the visual arts of obtaining textural effects or images by placing a piece of paper on top of a rough surface and then rubbing over it, as with a pencil, charcoal, etc.
    For example: a coin, a key, etc.
The Escapee. Max Ernst, 1926
     It was developed by Max Ernst in 1925. Ernst was inspired by an ancient wooden floor where the grain of the wood had been accentuated by many years of scrubbing. The patterns of the graining suggested strange images to him. He captured these by laying sheets of paper on the floor and then rubbing over them with a soft pencil. 

Original drawing given to students


Carme Fuster

Friday, 25 September 2015

Working with... Lines I

Onofre C. Martí
Original drawings made with lines
Leandro Marín
Miquel Nebot

Monday, 7 September 2015

Head Construction

Pep Lluis

Pep Lluis

Underwater World

Draw a picture of the world you could find under the seas:
  • animals (fishes, sea star, mollusks, etc.)
  • plants
  • people snorkling or scuba diving
  • a treasure or a flotsam
  • rocks
  • trash
  • etc.
Vanesa Poza
Diego P.
Timo Kesler

Monday, 20 July 2015

Garfield. Typography and Texture

Examples of the use of textures in Garfield's name.

Examples of student's artwork

Llorenç Morey