
Saturday 21 January 2012


Every painting, drawing, or photograph is a collection of dots and lines.

  •  is a small spot that is usually circular in shape.
  •  It often denotes the starting position of a design from which other elements such as line, shape and plane  are brought into motion.
  •  Dots are often used in multitudes or in combinations to form patterns, rhythm and movement.

Pointillism: Pointillism was a movement in France where painters mixed colours on the canvas by placing dots side by side so that when viewed from a distance they were blended by the eye. This is really called an optical illusion.
A sunday afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884-86. Seurat.

Kiss by Roy Lichtenstein is an example of how Pop Art often exhibited dots. The symbolism was about mechanistic printing methods.

Kiss, by Roy Lichtenstein. 1964
  • Printed examples: Newspaper, pixel in a picture, etc
  • Light dots examples: TV, computer.
   1.  Have the students cut out circles in different colours and sizes. Glue the circles on a square card. Glue all the pieces together and make a nice Poster.

   2.  Each student will create 4 different compositions with dots changing: sizes, colours,etc.

Dots and Circles compositons. Student.

Dots and Circles compositons. Student.