
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Working with ... Silhouettes.

     Draw 16 different silhouettes inside the grid. Remember, do not draw numbers, letters or symbols.

Carmen O.

Pau G.
I've found in internet a photographer that has worked with silhouettes but the other way around we have done. Have a look...


      A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour, usually black, its edges matching the outline of the subject (Wikipedia).

     In the days of long ago, before photography was invented, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers used to have portraits of themselves taken sideways. They were what were known as silhouette portraits, and they were not taken with a camera, but were cut out of thin black paper, and stuck upon a white card.

  Where are silhouettes used?

Working with ... Organic and Geometric Shapes

     For this exercise each student has to choose an Organic and a Geometric Shape. They have to be easy shapes to recognize, because we are going to work with the silhouettes.

Example of Shapes:
  • Organic: fish, tree, flower, apple, person, etc
  • Geometric: key, knife, car, candel, scissors, etc.
  1. Draw the silhouettes on a card.
  2. Cut the shapes out.
  3. Get a new white paper.
  4. Use the shapes as a stencil and draw several times the organic shape all over a the paper. It can be half shape on the sides.
  5. Now, do the same with the geometric shape. The interesting part of the composition is to draw one shape over the other.
  6. Re-trace with black ink ( 0'4), and erase the pencil once it is dry.
  7. Colour each piece in a different colour. For the background use a new colour (grey, black,...).

The result will be a colourful composition. Check the examples of other students:

Stencil shapes

Irene R.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Colour in Motion.

      This fun and attractive application runs us through the colors, their possible combinations, its connotations and symbolism in the everyday life, and thus allows students to reflect and do with critical spirit which implies the use of one or another colour in our environment. It is also presented in a very attractive way.

     Maybe the vocabulary it is complicated for a 7th grade student (1r d'ESO), but the application is quite interesting. Check it out!!!

by Claudia Cortes

Do you know about Symmetry?

Do you know about Symmetry? it's a game to test you on Symmetry.


Sunday, 11 August 2013

Colours Game

Well,  you have learnt and practised the Colour Theory, now it's time for a little test....